31 March 2025
2023/01/03 - 14:33 View: 615
Visit:615 2023/01/03 - 14:33
Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgrade

Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgrade on the occasion of the third anniversary of the terrorist attack committed over


Statement of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Belgrade

on the occasion of the third anniversary of the terrorist attack committed over  General Qassem Soleimani


  The third of January marks the third anniversary of the open terrorist act committed by the American terror government over the martyr Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, ambassador of peace and hero of the fight against terrorism and extremism, and his comrades. The killing of this high Iranian official, during his official visit to Iraq, where he carried a political message of peace, is an obvious example of state terrorism, which besides of violating all human principles and recognized international norms, had the threatening goal to create more crises and tensions in the region.

History will not forget that, in the atmosphere full of fear and distress felt by the people in the region and the world, which is caused by the brutal actions of terrorist and takfirist groups, General Soleimani with his comrades fought against these groups, especially ISIS, and created a barrier against the spread of their terrorist attacks to other countries, Europe included, and thus played a decisive and historic role in the re-establishment of security in the region and the world.

Martyr General Qassem Soleimani spared no effort to restore stability and security at the regional and global level by preventing the disintegration of countries in the region as a chain reaction danger that could affect the entire Middle East region.

The approach of extremism, takfir and terrorism are considered a threat to international peace, stability and security and it is the responsibility of all members of the international community to fight against it. The scale of destruction, the number of displaced persons and human victims are just some of the consequences of the terrorist actions of these groups in Syria and the region.

There is no doubt about the terrorist nature of this hostile act, and the faces of the perpetrators of this crime are known to everyone. Although the former president of the United States admitted it, and was proud of it, over the time, the confessions made by some US officials showed that this country created numerous terrorist and takfirist groups, including ISIS, with the aim to interfere in the internal affairs of the countries of the region and to destabilize them.

As one of the main victims of terrorism, the Islamic Republic of Iran has been always at the forefront of the fight against this problem and this global threat. With strong resolution, sparing no efforts and without any hesitation, Iran fights against the violence and extremism, especially to suppress the threat of ISIS in the region and the world. The Islamic Republic of Iran will energetically continue its determinations to use all political, legal and international capacities to hold accountable the ringleaders and perpetrators of this blatant crime. The world community and relevant international institutions should take a responsible and deterrent approach against these unilateral and bullying actions.

Saopštenje Ambasade Islamske Republike Iran u Beogradu

povodom treće godišnjice počinjenog terora nad generalom Kasemom Sulejmanijem


 Trećeg januara se obeležava treća godišnjica otvorenog terorističkog čina počinjenog od strane američke vlade terora nad mučenikom general-potpukovnikom Kasemom Sulejmanijem, ambasadorom mira i herojem borbe protiv terorizma i ekstremizma, i njegovim saborcima. Ubistvo ovog visokog iranskog zvaničnika, dok je boravio u zvaničnoj poseti Iraku i nosio političku poruku mira, jasan je primer državnog terorizma, koji pored kršenja svih ljudskih principa i priznatih međunarodnih normi, imao je zlokobni cilj stvaranja veće krize i tenzija u regionu.

Istorija neće zaboraviti da se u atmosferi punoj straha i zabrinutosti naroda u regionu i svetu izazvanoj brutalnim akcijama terorističkih i tekfirističkih grupa, general Sulejmani, zajedno sa svojim drugovima, borio protiv ovih grupa, posebno ISIS-a, i stvorio barijeru protiv širenja njihovih terorističkih napada na druge zemlje, između ostalih u Evropi i time su odigrali odlučujuću i istorijsku ulogu u ponovnom uspostavljanju bezbednosti u regionu i svetu.

General-mučenik Kasem Sulejmani nije štedeo napore u uspostavljanju stabilnosti i bezbednosti na regionalnom i globalnom nivou, sprečavanjem raspada zemalja u regionu, kao opasnosti koja bi mogla da lančano zahvati ceo region Bliskog Istoka.

Pristup ekstremizma, tekfira i terorizma smatraju se pretnjom međunarodnom miru, stabilnosti i bezbednosti i dužnost je svih članova međunarodne zajednice da se bore protiv toga. Obim razaranja, broj raseljenih i ljudskih žrtava samo su neke od posledica terorističkih akcija ovih grupa u Siriji i regionu.

Nesumnjiva je teroristička priroda ovog neprijateljskog čina, a lica počinilaca ovog zločina su svima jasna. Iako je bivši predsednik Sjedinjenih Država to priznao i ponosio se, vremenom su priznanja nekih zvaničnika Sjedinjenih Američkih Država pokazala da je ova država stvorila mnogobrojne terorističke i tekfirističke grupe, uključujući ISIS, da bi se mešala se u unutrašnje stvari zemlje regiona i da ih destabilizuju.

Kao jedna od glavnih žrtava terorizma, Islamska Republika Iran je uvek na čelu borbe protiv ovog problema i globalne pretnje sa čvrstom odlučnošću i ne štedi napore i ne okleva da se bori protiv nasilja i ekstremizma, a posebno da potisne opasnost od ISIS-a u regionu i svetu. Islamska Republika Iran snažno će nastaviti sa svojim naporima da iskoristi sve političke, pravne i međunarodne kapacitete kako bi vođe i počinioce ovog očiglednog zločina pozvala na odgovornost. Neka svetska zajednica i relevantne međunarodne institucije zauzmu odgovoran i odvraćajući pristup protiv ovih jednostranih i siledžijskih akcija.

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